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A New Age in Communicating


The Covid 19 virus has forced us to rethink how we communicate and relate to people. Who would have thought that face-to-face consultations could take place from distant locations? It was always traditional for a person to visit their therapist at the therapist’s location. With lockdowns during this pandemic it just wasn’t possible to leave home or without severe restrictions in place. With apps such as Zoom and Skype many therapists have continued to practice and quite effectively without the client sitting in the same room.

I must admit that I was skeptical as to just how effective a long-distance consultation could be. When a client approached me wanting an urgent consultation for anxiety the only way I could do this was via Skype. I decided to treat this in the same manner that I would in the office. Asking the client to pick out their comfortable spot (he chose a comfortable upright chair in his home office) we commenced the consultation with him using his laptop at home and me on my computer in the office. I could see the client relaxing once the initial exposure to Skype was over. When it came to the hypnosis part of the therapy the client was able to achieve a very deep level of hypnosis. He was extremely relaxed at the end of the session and his anxiety condition appeared to be well under control. The next session a few days later via Skype was proof that the hypnotherapy was working extremely well. The client was relaxed and reported a very good week despite the lockdown. He was achieving all the objectives that he wanted. By the third session his ability to enter a deep state of hypnosis had been well established.

Following many other similar consultations using Skype I am convinced that this is an excellent method and am now offering this and Zoom as an alternative service should a client not wish to leave home.

We have come a long way since Alexander Bell and the introduction of the first telephone. For more information contact:

Barry Shirley at Advanced Hypnotherapy on 0401 616 space 505



Advanced Hypnotherapy

0401 616 505
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Monday -  Friday     9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Saturday                   Closed
Sunday                      Closed

Disclaimer: Results of the Advanced Hypnotherapy program may vary person to person.

© 2019 Advanced Hypnotherapy Sydney

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